Chemical Symbol Word For Mac 2013

The VBA level in Mac Word is markedly less capable than in PC Word: around the level of Word 2003 but with missing bits. Visual Basic for Applications on the Mac is at version 6 (on the PC, this is Word 2000 level of VBA); Word 2013 on the PC is at version 7.

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Wow, that's really weird, especially since the symbol appears correctly in TextEdit. All I can suggest is a work around, which isn't as nice if all you need is the ½ symbol. In the insert drop-down menu, select 'Object.' Then 'Microsoft Equation'. (You must have installed Equation Editor off of the 'Extras' package on the Microsoft Office install disk). This'll allow you to create fractions and more elaborate mathematical expressions, but they don't flow as nicely with the text as the ½ symbol does, if that's all you require.

Actually, it's weird that all three browsers I tried can display that symbol just fine; that character isn't traditionally present in Mac fonts, whereas a lot of Windows fonts have it. I assume it is because that is a Unicode 1/2 character, so OSX knows how to display it (just as, with proper coding, you can put Japanese right into the middle of any document in OSX, or display Japanese characters inline in a web page in any browser that is Unicode aware). Could also just be that OSX's handling of mapping characters not present in the current font into one that does have it has gotten better. MS Word, in any case, is NOT very good about handling mixed/non-English character sets or nonstandard characters, and can't deal with Unicode properly, so it doesn't surprise me in the least that it doesn't work properly.

The solution is, as telecomm said, to use Equation editor, though if you can find a font that specifically includes the 1/2 glyph, you can type that particular character in that specific font, and it should work. I just fired up the ever-useful Character Palette (if you do anything with type and don't have that enabled in your keyboard menu, you should), and found that a surprising number of fonts have the 1/2 and 1/4 fraction glyphs present. 1/3 and 1/5 are a lot less common, though; pretty much just Chinese and Japanese fonts, and the Lucida series. Actually, Lucida Grande seems to have just about every glyph (everything from 7/8 to a variety of other alphabets and obscure characters). But Word X only seems to be able to access the tiny subset of those characters that can be typed with a standard US keyboard layout, at least according to the 'Insert Symbol' pallette in Word. How to get google doppelgänger for mac computer

It would seem that Word X is unable to handle characters outside the scope of the Classic MacOS, which is extremely limited (and doesn't include ½). I don't know if that's a result of it being a Carbon app, or just a poorly written Carbon app. Hopefully the situation is better with Word 2004. It is interesting to note that I was able to copy and paste a ½ caracter from this page into Word, but it automatically converted it into AppleGothic (an asian font), and refused to switch the character to any other font. The spacing was way off, too, so this doesn't even work as a workaround. Click to expand.It definitely does this on Windows.

I tried it on my Word.X, and it didn't do it either, including with several fonts (Times New Roman, Times - the default, and Arial). I think I have 10.1.4 - in system profiler, that's what Entourage.X is listed at. BTW, I looked at the MS website and there is a 10.1.5 update, which I just installed. But when I go to the about window in Word, Excel, or PPT, I get a version listed as 'Microsoft Word X for Mac Service Release 1'. After I ran the 10.1.5, system profiler still called Entourage 10.1.4. Click to expand.The 10.1.5 number refers to the number of the Office update, and not all components (Word, Excel, etc.) are updated with each of those updates. I've got all the latest updates (OS, Office X - no Office 2004 yet) on my computer, and still the ½ symbol is not available on the mac version of Word.

However, as Makosuke notes, this character is available through the Character Palette (in just about every font you could possibly use), and can be inserted as a special character in TextEdit. For some reason, Word is unable to access these characters.