How To Create A Bookmark In Word For Mac

Bookmarks identify text so you can quickly navigate to a specific spot instead of scrolling through several paragraphs or pages. While they're convenient to use sporadically, steady use can become tedious because there are so many keystrokes to using one. Ultimately, bookmarks are much more than a navigation tool, because you can use them as links or references. In this article, we'll review their use for navigating a document.

You can create bookmarks in most any Word document, or you can download the demonstration if you'd like to follow along with an example file. Before you begin Don't try to insert bookmarks as you enter text and other objects. Music player cloud for mac. Most documents change quite a bit from their inception to completion. For that reason, you should wait until the document is complete, more or less, before inserting navigational bookmarks.

Otherwise, you might find yourself moving, duplicating, or even deleting bookmarks unintentionally as you modify the document's text. If you find you must move bookmarked text, keep the following behaviors in mind: • If you copy all or part of a bookmarked text (or object) within the same document, the bookmark remains with the original text. The copied text isn't bookmarked. • If you copy bookmarked text or an object in its entirety to another document, both documents will be bookmarked.

Turn on your Mac computer. Open 'Safari' from the taskbar. Go to the website you wish to bookmark. Click the 'Bookmarks' tab at the top of the screen. (In some versions of Word for Mac, it may be called the Document Map Pane.) In Windows, go to the View tab, then click the check box to enable the Navigation Pane. The Word Navigation Pane is a great way of looking through a document.

• If you move bookmarked text within the same document, the bookmark moves with the text. • If you delete part of bookmarked text, Word won't delete the bookmark. Word will enclose bookmarked text in a set of brackets.

You probably won't want to display these brackets in the final document, but turning on the display while completing the document is helpful. Inserting bookmarks Deciding where to insert the bookmarks shouldn't be difficult if the document is mostly done. Consider how you and your users will actually use the document. The process for inserting a bookmark is simple: • Click where you want to add the bookmark.

If you select text, select the smallest string that makes sense. It's okay to select a word or heading, but it's probably not a great idea to bookmark an entire paragraph. • Click the Insert tab.

• Click Bookmark in the Links group. • In the resulting dialog, give the bookmark a name. Use only letters and numbers with no spaces ( Figure B).