Microsoft Word Mac Shortcut For Bullets

Word includes a handy-dandy tool on the toolbar that allows you to add bullets to a paragraph in a jiffy, and just as easily remove them. Unfortunately, there is no just-as-easy way to do the same thing using the keyboard. If you are bound and determined to use the keyboard to apply (and remove) bullets, there are a couple of things you can look at.

Shortcut for bullets/numbered formatting in Powerpoint for Mac. Ask Question. In this case Bullets and Numbering. The desired shortcut. As an example: ⌃⌥B; Now, back in PowerPoint select the paragraph and evoke the dialog with the shortcut. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not allow (that I can find) keyboard navigation of this dialog.

The first is to use styles and define keystrokes that apply your styles. There are numerous other benefits to using styles, but most of those have been covered in other WordTips. Closely related to this approach are two built-in shortcuts provided by Word. If you press Ctrl+Shift+L, Word is supposed to automatically apply the predefined List Bullet style to your paragraph. Unfortunately, there are many reports of this not working reliably. (On some systems it won't apply the style, even though the shortcut is still 'attached' to it.) To remove bullets, you could also use the Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut, which applies the Normal style.

While these may work for what you want done, they don't take the same approach to formatting as the Bullets tool on the toolbar. If you want to have that same functionality from the keyboard, you must customize your keyboard. You do this by displaying the Customize Keyboard dialog box. (See Figure 1.) How you display the dialog box depends on the version of Word you are using. The Customize Keyboard dialog box. • If you are using a version of Word prior to Word 2007, choose Tools Customize Keyboard button. • If you are using Word 2007, click the Office button and then click Word Options. Adbfire for mac.

In the Word Options dialog box, click Customize and then click the Customize button. Once the Customize Keyboard dialog box is displayed, follow these steps: • In the Categories list, choose Formatting.

• In the Commands list, choose FormatBulletDefault. • Click in the Press New Shortcut Key box. • Press the keystroke you want to use to apply bullets. Alt+B is a good choice, since it is not in use on a default Word system. • Click on Assign. • Click on Close to dismiss the Customize Keyboard dialog box. • Click on Close to close the Customize dialog box.

Now, whenever you press the keystroke you chose in step 4, it is the same as clicking on the Bullets tool. Press the keystroke again, and the bullets are gone. (Of course, you can also press Ctrl+Q to remove the bullets by returning to the default paragraph formatting.). First, make sure that you're saving your shortcut into the Normal template.


(In the 'Customize Keyboard' menu, the 'Save changes in:' dropdown should default to Normal.dotm.) Then, when you exit word, if your'e prompted to save changes to Normal, click 'OK.' On the second issue, it sounds like you've set up your document to 'Automatically update document styles.'

Either uncheck this option in the 'Templates and Add-Ins' menu (my preference), or edit the style in the parent template. I always keep this unchecked by default, and only check it when I explicitly want to update styles, then I uncheck it again. External hard drive for mac. This way, my 'tweaks' don't get inadvertantly 'untweaked.' To add a bit more functionality to this tip, define a 'List Style' that specifies up to nine levels of bullets, and attach each level to the same bulleted list style ('List Bullet,' for example). This way, after you an apply the 'List Bullet' style from the keyboard, you can then promote/demote levels using the default keystrokes 'Alt-Shift-Right/Left Arrow.' This also works with numbered lists. However, I have found that simply applying the 'List Number' style defaults to a list that continues the numbering from the last list.

For that reason, I use a macro to apply the 'List Number' style, and to then reset the numbering of the first list entry to '1'.

Open Word and insert a table (1 x 1 will work just fine). Right-click in the table and, in the context menu, select 'Bullets' and a bullet image from the bullet library.

Type something and press enter. Type something else, but, instead of clicking enter, right-click and select 'Increase Indent' Notice something else moves into the proper indentation of a nested bullet: Outside of a Word table, you would simply press tab to get this behavior, but I want a keyboard shortcut (if available) to do this inside the table. This is what I've tried: • Ctrl + Tab: Just indents the text, not the bullet • Ctrl + T: Same as Ctrl + Tab • Ctrl + M: Indents the text and the bullet but does not change the bullet style Can this be done outside the right-click context menu?