Ms Word For Mac: Save To Pdf With Hyperlinks

But both Word for Windows and OpenOffice/LibreOffice can open Word documents and save PDF with hyperlinks. Word for Windows is likely to produce less interpretation problems with the document, but you might have problems with the fonts on the different platform, while LibreOffice is available for macOS. It appears that links only work using the Word for iPad pdf export if the text is the same as the url. So if the text says and the url is the same then the hyperlink shows up in the pdf. However, if you edit the display text to just show 'link' then the hyperlink is lost when you email the pdf.

I run a 2017 MBA, I use MS Word, having done so for years. Currently using Word from Office 365 2o16. I write and occasionally have to save Word documents to.pdf, no problems with that.

(Several times over the past ten years I've tried to use 'Pages' but I give up, frustrated and disgusted, Pages is hopeless in my opinion) On opening a saved.pdf, it opens in full screen mode, no problem with that. BUT: The.pdf opens showing the last page first. The entire document is displayed back to front! I have tried all the workarounds I can think of but so far, am unable to get the.pdf to display in correct order, i.e., beginning with page 1, 2, 3 etc.

I have Adobe Reader (free software) but rarely use it. It would appear that bottom the rung Reader will not alter the screen view. I am advised Adobe Acrobat may help in rearranging display priority but Abode want $22/month for 12 months. As I'll only use it once as working in PDF format is not within my purview, that expense cannot be justified.

Any Forum member got any solution/s? I also have a 2017 13' Mac Book Air (with a 256 gig SSD). I previously was using Word 2016 (still running High Sierra, as am waiting for one of my critical apps to be upgraded for Mojave compatibility (will happen in early December)), but I never saved documents in PDF format. But I have processed PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat Pro Version X. Also, I just ran Preview and opened various multi-page PDF documents, and had no issues at all.

Was this happening before you upgraded to Mojave (I assume that is what you did)? Also, I am now using LibreOffice on both of my Macs (have a late 2012 Mac Mini also), and it is great! It can read and write documents in numerous formats.

I can try its word processing module (called Writer Document) to create a multi-page PDF document, and then see how Adobe handles it. (I also have an external SSD that I have been using for Mojave testing, and I can also do the same there). I'll report back my findings. By the way, take a look ay this site: It's a way of checking compatibility of applications with various Operating Systems. When I put 'Adobe Acrobat' in the search box, it showed various versions of it, and some of them are compatible with Mojave, but for some of them it is inconclusive. Not sure which version you have. I have Adobe Acrobat X Pro, and that table shows full compatibility with Mojave (and High Sierra also(.

Update #1 - OK, on my Mac Mini running High Sierra, I launched the Writer Document application, then opened a 3 page document that had been previously created with Word. I made one small change, then saved it (actually 'exported' it) as a PDF document, again containing 3 pages. I then double clicked on that PDF, Adobe Acrobat X launched (as expected), and it opened the file as 'normal', ie, at page 1. Update #2 - OK, on my external SSD with Mojave (OS 10.14.1), I followed the same steps.

What I dislike: a documentation does not seem to be available (anymore) as the link in question leads to another destination. With Git integration, a debugger for Ruby and JavaScript, an inbuilt terminal with the option for extensions, Aptana Studio is equipped for any purpose. Html text editor for mac. Aptana is available as a stand-alone version or as Eclipse plug-in. It is a powerful tool, which supports the most important coding and markup languages, such as HTML (including HTML5), CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby. The newest web standards are generally supported.

That is, I launched the Writer Document application, then opened the same 3 page document that had been previously created with Word. I made one small change, then saved it (actually 'exported' it) as a PDF document, again containing 3 pages. I then double clicked on that PDF, Adobe Acrobat X launched (as expected), and it opened the file as 'normal', ie, at page 1. So, not sure what to say. Could it be an issue with Word, the version of Adobe you are using, and/or Mojave? One other thing, though doubt it will make any difference: V10.14.2 of Mojave is currently in the third phase of beta testing.

I also have a 2017 13' Mac Book Air (with a 256 gig SSD). I previously was using Word 2016 (still running High Sierra, as am waiting for one of my critical apps to be upgraded for Mojave compatibility (will happen in early December)), but I never saved documents in PDF format. But I have processed PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat Pro Version X. Also, I just ran Preview and opened various multi-page PDF documents, and had no issues at all. Was this happening before you upgraded to Mojave (I assume that is what you did)? Also, I am now using LibreOffice on both of my Macs (have a late 2012 Mac Mini also), and it is great! It can read and write documents in numerous formats.