Other Names For Mac Email

» E-Mail » Mac » Tech Ease: Many people object to having their email address visible in mailing lists. They may fear that other recipients on the list may use their address in the future to send them unsolicited emails such as chain letters and the like. The following is a list of Macintosh software—notable computer applications for current macOS systems. For software designed for the classic Mac OS, see List of old Macintosh software. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

June 27, 2011 by I had a customer email me to show me a very weird issue. When a user of a mac replied to one of there messages, the email came through showing the display name as a previous user of that mac. Homer Simpson (as you can see in the example to the right, even emails received by the user showed the wrong name) Of course Mr Burns wanted this corrected. The issue did not occur in Outlook for PC or using OWA / iPhone ActiveSync. It was definatley an issue caused by the Mac.

I checked everywhere i could to find a setting – but couldnt find one within Outlook. The only thing i could find referencing Homer Simpson was the reigstration info of Office. So we followed this article – Unfortunatley this did not help, and actually left Excel a little unstable but that was easily fixed with a few restarts. We then resolved to research the issue for a few days and come back to it.

A second conversation started up when i questioned if the same thing happend on a secondary account that Mr Burns had setup in Outlook. Again i hit google, this time i turned up this page. The very bottom comment solves the problem. So thank you very much PSnell – i once again have a happy mac user. (And we all want to keep Mr Burns happy right?) EDIT – It seems that after posting this, erm, post, that the office mac site has gone down. I don’t know if that is permanent or just a glitch, but having just posted a link to the solution was obvioulsy not my smartest move.

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Thanks to Adrian for pointing this out to me, i found the post in google’s cache, so i did a quick screen shot of the solution entry. I’m still having this problem after trying the above.


An email sent to/from someone else (different email address from mine) is showing up as having been sent to/from me so if I sent them an email you see my name in both the To and From fields – as if I had sent it to myself. When I hover over my name in the To field it shows the other person’s email address but still my name and if I open that person’s contact it shows their name properly. I’ve deleted all contacts on my Mac Address Book as well as Outlook where that person’s email address shows up and restarted my Mac but the issue is still there. Also – at one point I had added this person’s Outlook calendar to my view under delegated administration but I cleared all that out and I have no delegates anymore – issue persists.

I don’t know what else to try:( Thanks for all your help! Hi everyone, Super thanks to OP Robert for the find and the quick-fix, this was so helpful! Something I discovered as part of this was that Outlook 2011 for Mac appeared to be using the Account Description field (as opposed to Full Name field) in my Account settings to set up and edit my signatures. So for example, if you had multiple users that had put “Work Email” under their Account Description field, when they would go to edit and assign a Signature, their own identity was not showing up under “Default Signatures” and instead they would see a “Work Email” name. I can’t say what will work in anyone else’s environment, but so far in ours having users put their first and last name in both the “Account Description” and “Full Name” fields (under TOOLS Accounts) has been successful in keeping this problem from re-occurring. Before this change I could “cause” the incorrect email assignments to happen to my own Contact information by just trying to add a default Signature. Hope this helps someone, cheers!