Vertically Align Text Word For Mac

There is an open request for it, here:: Support vertical centering of text in a page You can register there and add your vote (up to two) or comment. Given that the request was made over ten years ago, I'd say the priority for this seems pretty low. And I believe it would require a file format change (there is no vertical alignment property for plain paragraphs AFAIK), which adds a lot of inertia. Personally, I prefer not to put any of the running text (such as a title) in a frame. I just eyeball the spacing above a title; it's not critical (for me) that it be perfect. If I needed it to be automatically adjusted, I'd use a frame.

How do you vertically align text in a textbox or on an object? Welcome to the Microsoft Office Forums where you can ask questions or find answers on anything related to Word, Excel, Outlook, Access or any of the other Office applications. Mymail email app for mac will not open. I know to vertically align text to the middle of a block, you set the line-height to the same height of the block. However, if I have a sentence with a word I thought vertical-align was supposed to work with inline elements. Yet for some reason everything in the gray div is aligned to the top, not the bottom.

I'm not sure I understand what would be particularly cumbersome about that. For signs and other more graphical layouts, I use Draw.

It manages pretty much any sort of alignment easily. Rbc and Adr01t: Apologies if the following sounds somewhat condescending. You have just met some of the most helpful people on this forum. You can trust them to have your best interests in mind. You want to get your work done. Just don't try to do it in the way you think best if that way isn't the best way to do it. OpenOffice is complex software and it takes time to learn to get the most out of it.

Take that time. It's worth it - much of that time spent will still be of use if you switch to MS Office, because there's a lot of overlap. Learn to be pragmatic and to think rationally. If some tool doesn't do what you want, use a tool that does do what you want, even if you think it's clumsy or because you don't like its name. If you want to vertically align a single line of text on a page, don't wait for that feature to be implemented but use the workarounds that are offered. Why should you care about the frame containing your line of text if the text is vertically aligned on the printed page? Is it wasteful?

Having a vertical alignment property in every single paragraph in all the documents that you will ever write with OO, most of which will never have any vertically aligned paragraphs, only to have it here, that's a waste of resources, disk space etc. IMO it's a completely useless feature, even possibly harmful if its implementation would introduce new bugs. OO has plenty of bugs already. People have managed to get their text vertically aligned for ten years or longer, using frames or eyeballing. I'd say: use that frame and spend less time to get your work done than it'd take by voting for that issue and waiting for its implementation. Adr01t wrote:Maybe they could devote some time to adding this function.

There is no paid 'they' in OpenOffice. If this is so essential for you, and you believe it is a critical requirement for OpenOffice, why don't you volunteer to implement it - you can do. You should get lots of thanks from any others who, like you, consider it essential. Highlighting the text and Format > Paragraph > Indents and spacing > Spacing above paragraph., allows you to set the spacing above the paragraph to whatever you want. If this solves the problem, please edit your original post title to [Solved]. Floris v wrote:rbc and Adr01t: Take that time.