Visio 2012 For Mac

Hello, So I'm in a world I know absolutely nothing about Macs. My girlfriend has recently started a new contact at a company that only supplies Macs to it's workers.

Currently there is no Visio for MAC OS, as a workaround, you can host Visio Diagrams on SharePoint (to enable the data coonectivity), or any site when exporting the diagram as an html (will lose the data connectivity), and then you will be able to view the diagrams in the browser by any device. Hey to Everyone, Here is the scenario. I have one Mac in my organization that is using Office 365 Plan E3. I would like to add Visio to Office 365 but I am not sure how well the Mac and Visio in Office 365 will work together.

She has been given a Mac Book Air which is fine as most applications she is working on are web based. However she has a requirement in her job to use Visio. At the moment she is carrying both the Mac and a Dell laptop to work everyday. I want to let her just carry the mac so I'm looking at ways she can use viso on the Mac. I've already tried putting Visio on a VM at the datacentre but she doesn't always have good internet access.

I think the best option would be windows running in a VM on the Mac Book Air. So to my questions. What is the best bit of software to do this? I assumed something like VMWare by after a quick google there seems to be many many different options.

Specify text direction in a shape or text box Control + Click the border of the shape or text box that contains the text, and then click Format Shape. In the Format Shape pane on the right, click Text Options. Change text direction

Is a Mac Book Air upto running a VM? Am I correct in thinking you can't get Visio for the Mac? Ram is cheap. I think it cost me like?40 to upgrade my mbp to 8gb you can't upgrade the macbook air's ram as it's soldered.

However when it comes to ram issues, 2gb shouldnt really be a massive issue as the macbook air will probably have an SSD, and it's so fast that you can barely notice when it runs out of ram. To give you an idea (I do have the 4GB version, though i'm always maxing out the ram), I have open at the moment: Photoshop CS5, Pages, Espresso, Mail, Paralles - In parralels, 2 x visual studio projects, few folders, chrome, firefox, filezilla and SQL manager. It says I have 27mb of ram free, but it's using the SSD as ram, and I barely notice. Sounds like it might only be worth it if it's the 4Gb version. I need to see it this weekend for myself.

Knowing that I know nothing about Macs where would I find if it had 4Gb. Or is there a marking on the actual MBA that tells me if it's a 4Gb version. Discusing it with her last night she anounced she was so fed up with the Mac she was going to ask IT if she could just give it back and use her own Laptop. I don't think it's the fact its a Mac but a MBA, she writes alot of stuff and finds the MBA keyboard not to her liking espicaly the lack of certain keys. But hey it's my girlfriend she will probably change her mind and I'll be back working on this again next week. Thanks for your comments it has been very helpful.