Adobe Acrobat Reader For Mac Mountain Lion

Last weekend I did a clean install of 10.8 with Server on my office's Mini Server, replacing 10.6 Server. The Mac clients have been fine, but I also have a couple of Windows 7 users, one of whom has been having serious issues.

How do include multiple referenes in word 2017 for a mac. The one that has me really baffled is with viewing large PDFs directly off the server. If you open a large PDF with Acrobat Pro X or Adobe Reader XI and spend a while scrolling around it, the document will eventually either start showing blank white pages, Acrobat will give a generic 'an I/O error occurred' message, the program will crash outright, or some combination of the three.

How long and how much scrolling it takes can vary from a few seconds to a few minutes. It happens with any large document (possibly small ones, too, but they aren't open long enough to show it), the same documents work just fine when viewed directly off the local hard drive, and this problem was NOT happening with a 10.6 server, so it has something to do with Apple's new in-house SMB implementation. (And I'd rather not install Samba if I can help it.) What the heck is going on here? Can somebody else running a Mountain Lion Server with a Windows 7 client try this? (Open a long PDF and scrub up and down for a minute or two.). Well, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one seeing this. After a considerable amount of further experimentation, I have a couple of even stranger things to add.

Support for OS X Mountain Lion and Windows 8 with new “touch-mode” for optimal tablet interaction. To download Adobe Acrobat XI - Mac OS X Click here Free Download Adobe Acrobat XI - Mac OS X. Download New Adobe Reader XI 11.0.02 Offline Installer For Windows and Mac.

For one, of the five Windows 7 boxes on the network, it turns out that three of them work normally, while two are experiencing this same behavior. Even stranger, while the two that aren't working are nearly identical in terms of hardware and software, and the two that seem to work are on Win7 32-bit, the third one that does work is functionally identical--hardware and software--to the two that don't. The other is that I may be seeing some behavior similar to you, signalflow; at least once I got an odd error when trying to copy a large (~500MB) software installer over the network, but on a retry it worked. Also, the user of one of the problem machines has reported some random permission errors when attempting to copy files using Windows Explorer that seem to come and go, although I haven't been able to replicate those. Mountain Lion Server causing Adobe Acrobat and Reader to crash on viewed PDFs Hi All, We appear to be suffering from exactly the same symptoms on a clean OSX 10.8 Server.

All file shares are behaving normally under the Mac client environment (AFP and SMB), but all our Windows clients (Windows XP and Window 7-64bit) are suffering from blank pdf pages after a certain timeout. Basically we have the following scenarios: 1. Under XP clients; viewing these files is fine if you look at it straight away. After a timeout of less than a minute in some cases, the pdfs exhibit blank pages. Under Windows 7 (64Bit); viewing these files is fine if you look at them within about 5 minutes. Somewhere between 5 minutes and 10 minutes, the pdfs again show blank pages and the program (Adobe Reader XI or FoxitReader) has file I/O errors.

Both the server and the client machines are pretty much clean installs (no customisations). All OS updates have been run. The only exception is that we have had to do a registry hack (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services MRXSmb Parameters - OplocksDisabled REG_DWORD 0(default) or 1. Free word games for mac. Set to 1 to disable.) This hack has fixed another annoying bug we have been facing which was that people on windows machines could open files that were already open on other windows machines and take over their read/write permissions (eg. Original first person to open file would soon be told by the respective apps that the file is now read only (upon trying to save their work), while the second person to open the same file was given read/write permissions). The above PDF viewing bug appears either with or without oplocks set.

We have also tested to see whether disabling PDF protected mode (in Acrobat) would fix this problem of blank pages but it did not. Somewhere in the mac server's SMB configuration there must be a setting that is not quite right. Has anyone managed to fix this issue? We do not want to go down the path of installing SAMBA or a Windows Server unless absolutely necessary. SAMBA apparently has other issues with ACLs (or so I'm told). OSX 10.8 Server PDF blank pages in Windows FIXED! Hi All, Just a follow-up.