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Office online for mac. Portable external hard drives with a wide array of options to store and back up your photos and files. Find the perfect drive, for gaming, RAID or wireless streaming.


Unless you plan to use the software that comes on the drive, save yourself some money and don't bother with the 'for Mac' designation. Hardware-wise there is no difference between the 'for Mac' models and the other models sold. The biggest differences are the software included and the format of the disk when it arrives on your doorstep. They count on people having a Mac, seeing 'for Mac' and they're willing to spend the extra money (hey, they spent HOW MUCH on a computer?) to get one 'made' for their computer. When it arrives on your doorstep, plug it in, use Disk Utility to change it to a GUID partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) formatting. Now you have the 'for mac' drive without the software you wouldn't have used anyway but in a black case. FWIW, I have the 'standard' 2 TB version of those drives for use with my Mac, works perfectly fine with TM.

Unless you plan to use the software that comes on the drive, save yourself some money and don't bother with the 'for Mac' designation. Hardware-wise there is no difference between the 'for Mac' models and the other models sold.

The biggest differences are the software included and the format of the disk when it arrives on your doorstep. They count on people having a Mac, seeing 'for Mac' and they're willing to spend the extra money (hey, they spent HOW MUCH on a computer?) to get one 'made' for their computer.

When it arrives on your doorstep, plug it in, use Disk Utility to change it to a GUID partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) formatting. Now you have the 'for mac' drive without the software you wouldn't have used anyway but in a black case. FWIW, I have the 'standard' 2 TB version of those drives for use with my Mac, works perfectly fine with TM.

Best audio recording program for mac. ScreenFlow also has a variety of exporting options depending on where you’d like to view your finished video. Annotations, callouts, and video motions are at your fingertips in an easy-to-use interface. One particularly interesting feature is the touch callouts, which can demonstrate screen touches and gestures if you’re recording an iOS device.