How To Insert New Word In Place Of Another With Word For Mac

To Insert Section Breaks in Word 2016/2019/Office 365. 1) Keep the cursor on the place where you Go to ‘Page Layout (or Layout)’ in MS Word ribbon and click ‘Breaks’. You can select Next Page or In above both ways, you can few the section breaks in MS Word older and newer version like Office.

In this article, we will focus on 2 useful ways to insert a new page after endnotes in your Word document. Endnotes, as the name suggests, are often placed at the end of a document. There is nothing wrong with that until someday, we find it’s impossible to directly insert a blank page after endnotes to start new contents. This is definitely annoying. Therefore, our 2 methods in this post shall be timely aid for you who are struggling with the matter. Method 1: Use Word Command First if the whole document is one section, then follow the bellowing steps: • Put insertion pointer at the end of the document but ahead of endnotes. Or you can press “Ctrl+ End”.

• Then click “Page Layout” tab. • Next click “Breaks”. • And choose “Next Page”. All endnotes will go to a new page.

• Now click “References” and then the extend button to open “Footnote and Endnote” dialog box. • In the box, choose “Endnotes”. • Then select “End of section’. Download movies on mac • Lastly, click “Apply”.

All endnotes shall go back to the end of the section and leave the new page blank where is now independent of the endnote area. Now another situation is that a document can contain more than 1 section, then there are more actions to follow. • Firstly, finish all the above steps. • You will notice endnotes going to the end of its own section instead of that of the last section.

So, click “Page Layout” and the extend button to open “Page Setup” dialog box. • Then click “Layout” tab. • Check the “Suppress endnotes” box and choose “Whole document” for “Apply to’. • Next click “OK”.

Norton utility for mac. Now endnotes jump to the head of that new page. • Place insertion pointer inside the last section.

• Repeat step 2 and 3. • This time clear the “Suppress endnotes” box.

How to insert new word in place of another with word for mac 2016

• And choose “This section” for “Apply to”. • Next click “OK”. Now endnotes shall go back to the end of the last section. Method 2: Run Word Macro • Press “Alt+ F11” to trigger VBA editor. • Then click “Normal” and then the “Insert”. • And choose “Module” to create a new one. • Double click the module to open editing area on the right side.