How To Use F11 For Full Screen On Mac

Amr wrote:That doesn't work? WFM Yes, of course View/(F)ull screen works.

But the context of the original question is missing in action. This is not about the experiences of a power user browsing the Web with any given application 24/7.

Install adobe illustrator cs6 free. To me, this is mind boggling, because at the end of the day, Spotify has gone through so (SOSO) many software upgrades in the last two years, but no one has thought to add some kind of F11 function that brings it to full screen. A simple full screen function (maybe as an app?) would be incredible, and I'm not the first person to bring it up. It couldn't be too hard to program, so Maybe now is the right time to receive the support of our community for your suggestion!;) Do you have any further questions on how the idea exchange is.

I would be more concerned about Phoenix as a host for rich media. Think of a kiosk, where newbies just walk up to it afresh, use it immediately, and enjoy it. Mozilla/Phoenix/whatever doesn't have to be your grandfather's WordPerfect, where he had to learn the keyboarding equivalent of a secret Masonic handshake just to advance to the next page. So: a rich-media host is both modest and well-behaved.

It doesn't take up the top third of the screen with distracting, self-serving chrome. And it doesn't take a secret handshake to request this reasonable show of modesty and restraint. Check out the Flash player. Does it sport window frames, titles, throbbers, icons, menus, buttons, sidebars, status bars, and scrollbars? Who wants to look at all that dreary stuff, when you're trying to enjoy attractive and engaging content? The real solution would to be collapse the ENTIRE UI down to a single tiny button that floats on the content. Click it, and all the chrome comes back like a genie from a bottle.

Genpic wrote:The real solution would to be collapse the ENTIRE UI down to a single tiny button that floats on the content. Click it, and all the chrome comes back like a genie from a bottle. Don't know, I would hate to see a button (even a tiny one) floating on the content in fullscreen mode. I often use fullscreen because I want to see the content and nothing else. That's also why one of the first extensions I install with every new Mozilla or Phoenix is the 'real fullscreen' one. BTW: thx, krickelkrackel Being able to choose between a mouse gesture and F11 (or some other key) to toggle in and out of fullscreen mode is the ideal solution IMO.

But of course, tastes differ.