Microsoft Office For Mac Vs Iwork

I's true that iWorks has the option of exporting projects in Microsoft format and PDF.but the other reason i would choose iWorks over Microsoft Office is because it was built for Mac and not ported over from Windows. Any Microsoft product you install on your Mac will scatter files to different places on ur hdd just like on a Windows PC.A mac product on the other hand keeps everything compacted away in it's Application program which makes it easier to get rid of everything if you ever choose to delete it. Anyways I suggest I works over Microsoft Office anyday! I hope my opinion could help.and remember it's just my opinion.! Why pages is better than word I am a university student and I have found Pages to offer a key feature that Word can't match. The 'comments' feature in Pages lets me input an instructor's power point slide directly into pages and then I can add comments from his or her lecture and they appear neatly on one side. Word X cannot do this, and I've seen the later series of word kinda do this, but it doesen't look as neat and organized as pages.

New to Numbers 09 is the ability to Freeze Header Rows and Freeze Header Columns, so they don't disappear when you scroll through your spreadsheet, but.

Furthermore, say a teacher is commenting on the entire paragraph. Download I just highlight the entire paragraph, click comment, and the entire paragraph is highlighted and then a line goes to the side where I have a neat square that expands as I type in my comment.

Then if the instructor focuses on a specific word (like why does the author use the word 'focus' in this sentence), I can make a second comment, and that word is highlighted a little darker and it gets it's own comment box right below the paragraph's comment box. My notes are extremely well organized. Then there's the less crashy program, the 79 dollar price, and the better looks of the UI, but whatever. I am surprised that nobody has mentioned OneNote.

This is, in my opinion, the most thing Microsoft's ever made. OneNote is the *only* reason that I have a Windows laptop with me, along with my Macbook.

Whether you need to jott down webpages, articles, or just keeping notes to yourself (Read: the notes are made for yourself and not meant for publishing or other people, so you can organize it however you want it and without having to worry about formatting among other things) OneNote is the one solution to all of that. You can even customize the every little button if you like, and tell it to learn auto-correct words to simplify the typing. I am just starting to use Fusion to open Windows+OneNote on my new Macbook, but what's really lacking is that when you Copy an article on the web with pictures and links and formatting in your Firefox/Safari on the Mac, it dosen't do the full parsing/interpreting/clipping like it does on the Windows. The only way to go around this is to open a Browser inside Fusion. I's true that iWorks has the option of exporting projects in Microsoft format and PDF.but the other reason i would choose iWorks over Microsoft Office is because it was built for Mac and not ported over from Windows. Any Microsoft product you install on your Mac will scatter files to different places on ur hdd just like on a Windows PC.A mac product on the other hand keeps everything compacted away in it's Application program which makes it easier to get rid of everything if you ever choose to delete it. Anyways I suggest I works over Microsoft Office anyday!

I hope my opinion could help.and remember it's just my opinion.! Click to expand.While I'm not usually someone to endorse Microsoft (was joking with another composer friend the other day that now that he has a Mac he should be using AIFF files in his ProTools projects no WAVE on principle), just to be fair I thought I would correct some of this. I don't know for sure about now, but around the turn of the century (first time I've said that I think) the Mac Business Unit was developing the Mac version of office independently from the Windows version with their only communication really being about file format compatibility. If you compare the Mac and Windows versions of Office you will see that the interface and features are not the same so while there may be some related code brought over from Windows for Office 98, it really isn't a port. Don't forget, Word and Excel were originally written for the Macintosh and ported to Windows/DOS. I don't have iWork installed at the moment so I can't speak for that for sure, but hardly any software you install will keep everything in package.

Microsoft Office For Mac Vs Iwork

Many programs I use (Apple software included, e.g. ILife) will put the application in your Applications folder and more support files in your local user folder and/or your root level user folder--so I really don't think that is a reason to use one over the other. Now not that I use iWork, there are a few good reasons I would list to use it: price, you prefer cocoa software on principle (I assume iWork is a little more efficient), you like to avoid Microsoft on principle, or you like the iWork interface better (I know people who switched to pages after many years of Word for that reason). Since iWork can save Office compatible files, any one of those reasons might be enough to use iWork.