Python Installs For Visual Studio Code For Mac

Trying to figure out Python with Visual Studio on Mac. Dependencies and Libraries don't seem to install/launch correctly. For example, I have pandas on my system, installed via pip, and if I do import pandas as pd from a Python prompt, it works fine. With Visual Studio Code, if I create a file with the above code, autocomplete recognizes that pandas is installed When I try to run, I get an ImportError: No module named pandas Any ideas? Update: It works in VSCode's terminal, just not when I run the code in the debugger.

Python Installs For Visual Studio Code For Mac

The first step is making sure that VS Code picked up the interpreter you expect. So if you do step #3 of the you will see the instructions on how to explicitly select the interpreter. After that you can write a file that does nothing but import pandas; print 'It worked!' , right-click, and select Run Python File in Terminal. If that didn't work then you didn't install pandas for the Python interpreter you thought you did. If that works but debugging fails then your launch.json might be off.

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Mar 22, 2018 - Visual Studio Code is a lightweight IDE from Microsoft for developers to write code in a variety of languages like Python, PHP and more. Ago Microsoft released a new source code editor for Windows, Linux, and macOS.