Red Paper Clip In Quicken For Mac 2016

Yesterday, after a number of reminders that Quicken Essentials for Mac was no longer supported, and I could not pass up $40 off, I down loaded Quicken 2016 fro Mac, from Intuit. The install went fast. Started it up for the first time, and it updated to the new patch version.

This has been a problem for several of us. Quicken MQ2016 version 3.5.1 has implemented new reconciliation procedures that cause Quicken to look back to the beginning of of the file, in some cases 4 or more years ago, to locate transactions that were not properly reconciled when they occurred--whatever the reason--and to refer to those transactions in deciding whether the account is balanced. This happens despite the fact that (I'm pretty sure) most of us have already discovered the discrepancy and entered a balance adjustment. In the end, I have let Quicken do what it wanted to do and enter a positive discrepancy of over $900 in order to reconcile all. Now I am carefully monitoring my bank account online while waiting for my August bank statement to find out if I still have the problem. Good luck to you in resolving your own issue!

Russ, it appears you are working with vs 3.5.2 since you referenced 'reconciling to statement' option and if true, not sure why yo are posting on a 3.5.1 forum. Your solution for fixing the reconciliation issues sounds strange and those adjustments may present you problems later since you did not find and correct your register issues. I think you should contact support for 'online' issues acquired after updating the version of Quicken as advised by the Quicken Rep. You should be able to edit each account to turn on or turn off online features you would think but it may involve security issues too. Prior to versions 3.5.1, your running balance was not factored in when reconciling.

Your running balance could be a million dollars off, but as long as the starting/ending balances were correct (and the correct transactions cleared in the date range, you balanced. With 3.5.1, the starting balance is now based off the sum of all reconciled transactions like other versions of Quicken do.

This should result in a more accurate reconcile. This explains why your starting balance is now different than the ending balance-something was wrong in the past and 3.5.1 is bringing it to light. You can either accept the adjustment (and you should be back on track), or find the source of the error in the past. I guess more detail would of helped. That is strange, the only reason I can think of is you checked the 'Clr' box in the register before you clicked on the 'Reconcile' function because only uncleared items show in the Reconcile screen as it should.

I would go back to the register and see if you tried to match transactions off to the bank statement in the register first and if you did, just click them again to unclear them and see if they now appear in the Reconcile screen. If not, you should contact support. I had a similar problem that I ran into to my surprise. I went to reconcile this months statement (not online stuff) and I found my beginning balance which is of course last months ending balance is not the right amount even though I balanced that month. Korg m1 vst free. I know that because all transactions I checked off as cleared turns the check marks 'green' once I click done.

It turned out it was off by an item that had been checked off as cleared but somehow after the recon was complete now was showing as uncleared (the check off was gone). This is scary that data can change after a recon is completed. Once each recon is completed it should be restricted from making any changes to protect the integrity of your financial information. I rechecked it which brought it back into balance again but it does not have a 'green' check mark now as it did before. FYI, I would not use the adjustment to fix issues like this as it will surely haunt you later. Adjustments should be for out of balances of a few cents (under 1.00) which is acceptable in the business world if you don't want to hunt down a few pennies. Here's a wild idea for ya!

How about a 3.4.2 release that contains only a pre-upgrade 'Reconciliation troubleshooting' module that sums all reconciled transactions in each account and alerts the user if that sum doesn't agree with the ending balance of the last reconciliation? (I'm relying on John in NC's clear (as usual) description of how 3.5 calculates the starting balance.) Of course that only points to a problem without specifying how it happened or how to fix it. Maybe tips can be included, too, on how to find and fix before upgrading. (As you can guess, I haven't upgraded. Holding at Version 3.4.1 until this mess gets cleared up.). I see that I'm not the only one having issues with reconciliation, which I referred to in another thread.