How To Make A Gif Your Background For Mac

This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. But the point of this story is to show you how to make the best gif possible on a desktop machine in Mac or Windows. OK, let's do this like the pros do.

Also Read: Steps To Use an Animated GIF as the Wallpaper on Your Mac: 1. Download GIFPaper app archive to your Mac and then double-click on the downloaded archive.After that you will get the actual app folder containing the app.

Now you just extract the app file from the folder and then double-click on the file named “ GIFPaperPrefs.prefPane” from the extracted file. 2. How to disable mac from asking for administrator password. After launching the app, you will get the prompt asking whether you wish to install the app for yourself or for all the users on the machine. Just choose any and click on “Install”. 3.You will find the installed app on the Preferences panel of your Mac and not in the application folder.

For accessing the file just click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner, select “System Preferences” and then click on the “GIFPaperPrefs” option. 4.You will see the “Browse” option on the launched panel,it will let you browse your Mac for an animated GIF that you want to set as the desktop wallpaper. Click on the button and select a GIF image that you want as your wallpaper. Your desktop wallpaper will now be changed to the file that you has choosen. There is actually a flaw with the GIFPaper app i.e when you use a GIF image with the app,it will only remains the desktop wallpaper until you reboot your Mac but as soon as your Mac restarts the GIF wallpaper will be changed to the previous one. Because of that reason their is an agent app included with the package that you will need to add to your Mac’s startup items list so that your GIF wallpaper is preserved and may not change on reboot.

How To Make A Gif Your Background For Mac

Adding GIFPaper to the Startup Items List 1.First of all click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of the screen and then select “ System Preferences” It will then take you to the Mac settings. 2.After going to the Mac settings,click on “Users & Groups” to go to your user account settings panel. Microsoft project 2013 free trial for mac Then Click on your user account in the left panel, and then click on the “Login Items” tab. These apps that are listed here will automatically launch when you will reboot your Mac. Now the only thing that you has to do is to add the GIFPaper agent app here so that it automatically launches when you restart your Mac so that you will still be able to see your GIF image as your wallpaper even after restarting. 4. After you has successfully installed the app on your Mac,just close the preferences panel.Your wallpaper will now not change after reboot also as this app will automatically launch on every reboot.