Trouble Removing Watermark In Word For Mac

How to remove watermark when printing for office 2011 for mac when watermark switched off.

We use Word 2003, and are having problems printing a watermark. I select the DRAFT option for the watermark and make sure that my printing options are set to include Background colors and images. While the watermark displays properly in Print Preview, when it prints to any printer (network and/or local), the letters D, A and T will display on odd-numbered pages and the letters A and F are displayed on even-numbered pages. I can't find a solution problem anywhere on the internet. Anybody else have this problem, and if so, how did you fix it?

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A friend of mine was about to tear her (expensively and enviably coiffed) hair out the other day — she’d copied over some text from an old Wordperfect document into Word to start a new document, but for some reason couldn’t get rid of the DRAFT watermark. It’s not like she didn’t know how to delete watermarks in Word; all you have to do (in Word 2007, which is what she’s working with) is go to the Page Layout tab, click on the Watermark button, and choose Remove Watermark at the bottom of the menu. But she did that and there was STILL this big ol’ word DRAFT stuck behind the text! Like so: If you’ve either retrieved or copied your old WordPerfect documents into Word as a conversion method (something I suggested in ), you may have run across a similar situation. Here’s why it’s so messed up. When the WordPerfect formatted text is copy/retrieved into Word, the watermark is essentially converted to full-page-size text box within a header/footer and configured to appear behind the text instead of above/below it (I tell you this because it’ll help you understand how we solve this little problem). To get rid of it, you just have to enter Word’s header area to edit it, use your mouse cursor to grab the text box containing the offending watermark (or, if you can’t grab it with your mouse, use CTRL-A to select everything in the header) and hit the Delete key to get rid of it.

Here’s a video showing you how to do it: Another WordPerfect conversion dilemma solved! (Photo credit: via flickr). Legal Office Guru uses a technology known as 'cookies' to provide a better experience as you browse this site. This allows me to see how the site is used and gives me the opportunity to offer you additional content you may be interested in, depending on what tutorials you've viewed. The cookies cannot identify you individually.

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