What Is A Good Text Editor For Mac

A good mac text editor must do two things very well: syntax highlighting (coloration of the code) and auto-completion. Best choice of mac text editors can easily configure the working environment, leading to better productivity.

By default, TextWrangler recognizes over 20 different languages and several dozen suffix mappings. You can add new suffixes to map to existing languages or (by installing third-party language plug-ins) add syntax coloring support for new languages as well.

All the specific languages that TextWrangler recognizes, and the suffixes or extensions it expects for them, are listed in the Languages preference panel, and suffix mappings can also be changed there. You can choose the colors that TextWrangler uses for syntax coloring in the Text Colors preference panel. Note TextWrangler will recognize and syntax-color VBScript embedded within HTML via the <%%> and tags.

How to use f11 for full screen on mac Just open, then drag a window onto the thumbnail of the full-screen app at the top of the screen. Apps that need more screen space to enter Split View might display a message that they're not available in full screen. • Release the button, then click another window to begin using both windows side by side. If you already have a window in full-screen view, you can still view it side by side with another window.

Click to expand.At the bottom of the app window there's a bar and one of the drop down boxes lets you choose which programming language you're using. (See attachment) It's just curiosity, it may just be taking a best guess, kind of like using the PHP vbCode tags here, which work for more than just PHP. I checked on my older TextWrangler (2.3?) and it did have the SFTP/FTP option in the file menu. I don't use that option much as I always test locally before posting something live in case it breaks the site.

What Is A Good Text Editor For Mac

Click to expand.Ah, got ya! I've never used TextWrangler before much. Don't know how I missed that though. It's a file with an asp extension but it's coming up with HTML (which seems consistent with the manual snippet from my previous post.) There must be HTML elements in the page (I merely opened it and looked at the top without scrolling. Fortunately, I don't have to maintain that ASP code much as it's being slowly phased out over time.) It does have VBScript as an option in that list and it also maintains syntax highlighting when I select it.