How To Delete Headers In Word For Mac

The header field is for text to get repeated on many pages. You can change it to just show on all the pages in one Section. You have to Insert Section breaks to make sections in the word processing document.

Gilbert is a Microsoft MVP, a full-time blogger, and technology aficionado. When Gilbert is away from his bike and his iPad, he's busy writing technology how-to's from his home-office in Miami, Florida on the latest programs and gadgets he can get his hands on. He's locally known as 'the computer guy' and has spent the last 12 years helping family, friends, and visitors with their computer questions and problems. He was awarded the 2009 MVP award from Microsoft for his contributions in forums and blogs and is enjoying the new addition to his family.

When you are writing a paper for a specific audience, such as one that you are turning into a teacher, professor or boss, they may impose certain restrictions on the structure of the paper. Microsoft Word 2010 makes it possible for you to customize your paper in any way that these audiences might require. However, if you have made these changes to a document, or if you have received a document from someone else, you might need to change that formatting before doing something else with the document. Dell c1765nfw driver for mac.

Fortunately you can easily remove a footer from a Word 2010 document to eliminate the text that is being displayed in the bottom of every page of your document. Eliminate Information in a Word 2010 Footer There are three basic sections of any Word 2010 document – the header, the body and the footer. While you may not have information contained within a particular section, that section is still there.

But instead of entering the editing mode for the footer, there is a way to simply remove the entire footer. Begin the process of removing your footer by opening your document in Word. Click the Insert tab at the top of the window. Topping for macaroni and cheese. Click the Footer drop-down menu in the Header & Footer section of the ribbon, then click the Remove Footer button at the bottom of the menu.

The entire footer will now be gone from every page of your document. If you decide that you want to restore a footer to the document at some point in the future, you will need to choose the footer layout that you prefer from the Footer drop-down menu. However, any information that was previously contained in the footer will be gone and you will have to completely recreate a new footer. You can also remove footer information by double-clicking in the footer section of your document, then using the Backspace key to delete the information as though it were any other part of your document.