Microsoft Office 2011 For Mac 14.2.3

Apparently we are not alone. I did the big Office update in the last day or so.

Jul 16, 2012 - Offering a number of improvements and fixes, Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 14.2.3 more importantly resolves a security vulnerability with folder. Office 365 customers get the new Office for Mac first. You’ll have Office applications on your Mac or PC, apps on tablets and smartphones for when you're on the go, and Office Online on the web for everywhere in between.

Then updated to Mountain Lion. Tried to launch Excel this afternoon- it crashes out before it finishes loading. Doesn't matter how many times I try. So I tried all the other Office applications - same exact issue. My Office version is 14.2.3, which I believe is the latest version, according to the MS web site. Memu nox app player for mac download. Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0 Error Signature: Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS Date/Time: 2012-07-28 00:32:08 +0000 Application Name: Microsoft Excel Application Bundle ID: Application Signature: XCEL Application Version: Crashed Module Name: unknown Crashed Module Version: unknown Crashed Module Offset: unknown Blame Module Name: unknown Blame Module Version: unknown Blame Module Offset: unknown Application LCID: 1033 Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409 Crashed thread: 0. Hi I had the same problem, I user called dwb, brought my attention to my user fonts folder.

Try to restart you mac i safe mode(shift pressed durring start up), if you now can start the office app's without crashing, and you only have a limited number of fonts in the office app's then it migth be that. Now try to restart you mac in the normal way, and move all the fonts from the library/fonts folder to another folder. And restart Word og Excel, if it works, then you have a font that dosn't like Mountain Lion. In my mac it was some fonts which was installed with a trail version of adope photoshop. I got it to work by basically doing the old Pre-OS X troubleshooting method of dealing with extension conflicts - but with fonts.

I disabled fonts in groups until I found a set that the Office apps would play nice with. I'm not sure why Office has progressively become more and more intolerant of fonts. Use to be - Office apps were just really good at letting you know you had a corrupted font. But over the last couple of versions, MS Office has become intolerant of even fonts with no identifiable issues (Using Font Book or Font Doctor). This is insane. What I don't understand is - what is it about Mountain Lion that caused an already updated Office install to suddenly not get along with the fonts? Does Mountain Lion move fonts around?

Does it install fonts that somehow conflict with MS-installed fonts? I don't understand. Thank you for this tip re fonts. I was having grief with PowerPoint in the 2011 Office Suite (repeated crash on launch). All latest Office updates and 10.6.8 updates installed.

Everything repaired, DiskWarrior. Today I had a major font clean out, especially the flakey stuff I'd downloaded, even found fonts going back to System 8.1, ai caramba (I sorted my fonts by date, and killed anything from the 20th century). Trashed prefs.

PP 2011 now all good. Fingers crossed, and thanks for the tip. SDG BTW: I had tried logging out of Snow Leopard and in again as a different User, and then PP worked. It was clearly a System issue - but what?

I have been struggling with this same problem for days! Many thanks to Michael Battenfield and others for helping me to solve it. I also have Office 2011 14.2.3, fully updated. Upgraded the OS to Mountain Lion (10.8) and none of my Office apps would launch.

Office for mac

Each app would give the error message exactly as reported by Michael and by AdriaM above. However I was pretty confident that my Office installation was OK because another user on the same machine could launch Office apps without any problem. So it had to be something to do with my user preferences. I used Font Book to investigate fonts and concentrated on User fonts.

Disabled them all and bingo! Word would launch. Then I disabled them in smaller and smaller groups (each time quitting Word and trying to restart it) until I isolated the problem to one particular font: 'Algerian'. Thanks again - great forum! (And yes - black mark to Apple, surely? Why should Office crash on launching only after 'upgrading' the OS? If the OS had found a fault with a particular font, why doesn't it tell me?).

I've been researching the problem. I've found that different apps will crash or all the apps will crash due to one factor: Fonts. Updates to fonts or the folders where they reside have caused a problem with the software. When re-installing, a copy of the fonts that are already on your system is placed into a cache for office to use.