Download Bitdefender Uninstall Tool For Mac

I made the mistake of downloading the free trial of BitDefender for Mac. I decided to uninstall the program only to find out the uninstall program does not work. I've tried all the links in BD's forums (I discovered many have the same problem). I tried different variations of the uninstall including installing the uninstall twice before rebooting. Each time the install for the uninstaller says 'Successfully Installed' - but nothing happens.

Go to Macintosh HD > Library and move the Bitdefender folder to Trash. You will be asked for the administrator password again. NOTE: The scan logs, the Quarantine, and other files will be remain at Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Antivirus for Mac.

No matter how many times I've tried - with and without reboots, nothing works. I tried the chat with BD tech support. The tech didn't know what to do and referred it to a 'senior tech team' that was supposed to e-mail me quickly with the solution. I never heard from them. I found the e-mail address ' ' on one of these support boards and had no response to my ee-mail. I have literally spent more than four hours trying to get rid of this program without success. BD is a memory hog and slows the CPU to a crawl.

Please, somebody help me get out of this nightmare! There may be a 'helper daemon' still running. You could paste this command in Terminal: launchctl list grep ' BitDefender' However you may need to try 'bd' or just search the output manually, sometimes they can hide out. If you get any result, that is what is happening. Search for its launchd file at these locations: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ (in your home folder) /Library/LaunchAgents (on your computer's system) /Library/LaunchDaemons Trash any files you find that contain 'bitdefender' or anything that looks suspicious.

There may be a 'helper daemon' still running. You could paste this command in Terminal: launchctl list grep ' BitDefender' However you may need to try 'bd' or just search the output manually, sometimes they can hide out. If you get any result, that is what is happening. Search for its launchd file at these locations: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ (in your home folder) /Library/LaunchAgents (on your computer's system) /Library/LaunchDaemons Trash any files you find that contain 'bitdefender' or anything that looks suspicious. Thanks for your help Gnarlodious!

You pointed me in the right direction. BitDefender had installed many files hiding in many locations. I would not have gotten them all if I hadn't stumbled upon two very helpful programs: iFileX and iTrash. The first helped me hunt down every hidden file and the second helped delete it. Eset nod32 antivirus for mac review. It took quite a bit of time - I had to give my admin password for each individual file delete.

I'm finally free of BD! Their tech support never responded as promised. Wish I could warn all Mac users to stay away from it. After several years I have the same problem. I bought a pro version in 2016 and when I had to renew I decided to cancel my renewal. I wanted to uninstall but there is an icon in the bar that it doesn't disappear. A part, the one that is in the programs has disappeared but it is still in the Library folder.


I contacted to the service but they didn't help me. What they proposed me was what I had done before. I reinstalled the program again but the same problem again. I cannot delete the folder because it's in use. Is there any way to uninstall this program?

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Try going to Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor and quit any Bitdefender process that is running. See if you can then remove the program.

If the above doesn't work, t ry running this program in your normal account, then copy and paste the output in a reply. The program was created by etresoft, a frequent contributor. Please use copy and paste as screen shots can be hard to read. On the screen with Options, please open Options and check the bottom 2 boxes before running.